Wednesday, 19 December 2012

I'm an adult now hahaha that is funny.

I was talking with my mum just now about college and what's going to happen the next few years ecewah. then when I ask her what should I do - I mean how can I handle my life in the future. And she terrified me with a simple short answer...

"you're an adult now. You can figure it out"
you're an adult now.
an adult now..
adult now...

haha so yeah. I'm an adult now. Ecewah baru 17 je punn :p Next year I'll unofficially be 18 and childhood is kind of finally over. I don't know how to feel actually. But hm age is just a number and I really think its fine if I refuse to grow up, yknow. Hee 

Growing old is mandatory,
Growing up is optional.